
Sunday, 12 June 2011

Recipe trials - Venetian Carrot Cake

Although I was really pleased with our debut stall success at the Kemptown Carnival last week, a couple of the cakes and treats I made were virgin outings and hadn't turned out quite as I had hoped.  With this in mind and with our upcoming market stall at the Picnic in Queens Park on Sunday 26 June Melissa and I made a pact that we would test every recipe first before selling to the public.  We also want to add a few more recipes suitable for people with food intolerences and special diets so we can offer something for everyone.  So baggy trousers at the ready, Melissa's on tasting duty and I'm back in the kitchen on a market stall mission.

Despite being the author of our worst selling recipe at the last market, I've decided to give Nigella another chance, and first up in the recipe trials is her Venetian Carrot Cake, which also happens to be naturally gluten free and dairy free.  I hate the idea of using artificial or substitute ingredients to make it suitable for those with intolerances so I'm pleased to have found this recipe which doesn't require any.  Now if you're imagining a tall and proud triple layered cake slathered with rich cream cheese frosting then you might be in for a suprise.  This is a carrot cake of a completely different breed.  It's handsome and elegant, unassuming and not at all show-offish, but boy is it delicious.  Rich, moist and almondy, studded with booze-soaked sultanas and rounded off with lemon zest and the comforting spice of nutmeg, Melissa and I both agree it's a real winner.

But it's not just about the taste.  They say the first bite is with your eyes and I'm not sure that people would be instantly invited to buy or licking their lips to try a slice.  We're just going to have to try a little harder to and offer free samples to show Brighton just how good it is. 

I also have a dilemma with the name - Venetian Carrot Cake just sounds pretentious and misleading.  For selling at a market stall... this just ain't a carrot cake. People expecting the flavour of a traditional carrot cake might be disappointed.  But it's so good I think it should be included, just with a little rebranding.  Therefore I open this up to the lovely readers of this blog - if anyone would like to offer a better name please leave me a comment!

1 comment:

  1. You could go Magritte/ M&S on the baking market:

    'This is not just a carrot cake' carrot cake?

    Ve'nice' Carrot Cake?

    Boozy Sultana and Carrot Cake?

    will stop cluttering your comment box now...looks amazing. I have the last slice of the wholemeal honey & carrot cake for my train snack tonight- ah its so good! x
